This research project started in 2014 in collaboration with University of California San Francisco, F. I. Proctor Foundation, SEVA foundation and Bharatpur Eye Hospital. Starting from the year 2014, VIEW has implemented different phase of its study activities (VIEW-I, VIEW-II Pilot, VIEW-II Screening, VIEW-II Final Exam- ongoing and SightLife blindness prevention program- ongoing). VIEW-I and VIEW-II Pilot is already completed and some of the papers have been published.
Census Progress : July 17 2023 – July 15 2024
Census completion places
Bharatpur Municipality, Kalika Municipality, Khairani Municipality, Ratanagar Municipality, Gaidakot Municipality, Devchuli Municipality
Total people enumerated- 3,28,700
Total people 50 years and above- 87,019
Total people whose VA has been taken- 69,615