Low vision service

Low Vision

The low vision clinic is equipped with common low vision devices like monoculartelescope, binocular telescope, spectacle magnifiers, and hand- held magnifiers, stand magnifiers, filters and non- optical devices. Low vision clinic has helped many patients to see better and use the residual vision to perform must needed daily activities. A total of 19 patients were provided low vision services in this year.

Contact Lens

Contact Lens are thin lenses placed directly on the surface of the eyes for refractive correction, cosmetic and therapeutic purpose. There are variety of contact lenses available based on its primary function, material, wearing and replacement schedule. Vision problems are pretty common in Nepal and people need some kind of vision correction device. Increasingly more people are turning to contact lens vision correction whether it is due to lifestyle or cosmetic reason.

In our hospital we provide services for the patient who wants CL for refractive correction, Keratoconous patient, patient having corneal problem with various lenses like power contact lens, disposable lenses, RGP lens, Bandage lens, and Toric contact lens. 

A total of 144 patients took the contact lens service from the clinic this year. The majority of the patients were prescribed soft contact lenses.