The dedicated teams of staff members are trying hard to attract and serve more and more patients. These team members not only perform their best within the hospital, they also reach the unreached poor population in the remote villages. This year we have been able to serve 2,77,642 OPD patients and provide surgeries to 11,219 patients. Apart from patient care activities, the hospital also runs different level of academic and training programs.
The hospital is in the present state due to the moral, technological & financial support from SEVA foundation & SEVA Canada Society & USA. This has encouraged local social workers for making financial contribution in building construction & renovation as well as other physical facilities to prepare this hospital as an academic Institution. Our work would not have been possible without the support of Central NNJS, NNJS Chitwan, funding partners and different stakeholders.
I am grateful to all for the direct and indirect contribution to the growth and development of the hospital.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pushpa Giri
Chief Medical Director
Bharatpur Eye Hospital